And the Fences Go Up

3 Factors You Should Consider When Choosing Dog Fencing

Many dog owners choose to fence in their property so that they are able to allow their pets outside without the need for a leash. This can make bathroom breaks much more convenient and will ultimately help to ensure your pet gets plenty of exercise. However, if you fail to choose the right fencing material for the job, you could find that your new fence is not nearly as effective at keeping your pet contained as you originally hoped for. That is why it is so important to consider each of the following three factors when choosing your dog fencing. 

Factor #1: Height Of Fence

Depending upon the size and breed of your dog, it is quite possible for these animals to jump over shorter fences. Some smaller dogs may also be able to accomplish this task if you have a deck or other raised area that is close to your fence. In order to prevent your dog from being able to jump the fence and escape your yard, it is vital that you choose dog fencing that offers adequate height. When considering this particular factor, it is important to keep your long-term needs in mind. For example, while a puppy may not be able to jump a standard-size fence, you may find that this fence is not adequate to contain your pet once they are fully grown. In order to avoid future issues, it is best to install a dog fence that is capable of containing your pet as they continue to grow. 

Factor #2: Depth Of Installation

Some fencing materials are installed level with the ground while others are buried beneath the surface in order to provide additional strength. When selecting dog fencing, you will want to choose a fencing material that extends below the ground's surface so that your pet is not able to easily dig under the fence in order to escape your yard. This will be especially important for smaller dogs who are able to easily squeeze through even a small hole beneath your fence. 

Factor #3: Visibility

Most dogs are more likely to chase what they are able to easily see. For instance, if there happens to be a cat or a squirrel on the other side of your fence, your dog is more likely to try and chase after these animals if they are able to see them. That is why fencing materials that limit your dog's ability to see out of the yard are often very effective choices for dog fencing. These fencing options include both wood privacy fencing and vinyl fencing panels.

For more information, contact a dog fencing supplier such as